Ok, I finally have some time to post something new. I've been busy working on a sewing project that I hope I can post soon. This was a class I did at Prairie Chicks, where I work. It's a little inspiration book that I once made for my TOPS group to pass around when someone was feeling discouraged. It's filled with little quotes that I found all over the net.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Of course after I did a page of my daughter I had to make one of my son. Their school pictures were so nice this year.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I'm still having lots of fun with my new paper and co-ordinating embellishments. I love how this page turned out.
This is the card I made for this last Christmas. I started off making 50 cards thinking that would be enough. as it was I guess I have more friends than I thought because I ended up making 60 altogether plus finding some that I had made for a class I taught last fall. Come Christmas time this year I'll aim for seventy five( maybe????).