Two weekends ago I had an awesome opportunity to go to a class filled weekend with my boss and friend Tammy with Prairie Chicks to Edmonton for a retailers event that Memories Wholesale put on. It was a lot of fun and the classes were fast paced.
This is the We R Memory Keepers class where we got to play with the Cinch (now on my wish list)
We made this awesome notebook
Of course all classes were amazing and fun this class was the one I was looking forward to the most and it did not disappoint

I'd put Tammy's picture here too, but I think she might not appreciate me plastering her pic too many places. You can see hers at
Another class I was really looking forward to was the Graphic 45 where we met the owner and designer of Graphic 45 Diane Shultz. What a super nice lady, she even gave me a hug when I thanked her for the class.
We mad this mini album using the new doorknob plate as the binding. The tag was their make and take at their booth.
This is what we made in the Bo Bunny class( very fast paced). These ladies were lots of fun.
The make and take from their booth
Other make and takes from the booths.
My Little Yellow Bicycle class