Card 1
Card 2
Card 3
Card 4
Here is a video of what's in the kit,
Here's how to order:
My Etsy Shop: Jen Unger Fine Arts
Each month there are a limited supply of extra kits which are available in my Etsy Shop. Link is in the right of the screen. Kits are mailed out for subscribers on the first of the month or next business day following. Extra kits are mailed out within 3 business days of purchase. The current kit is displayed as the image for subscriptions and that month's extra card kits. Previous month's card kits have their own listing and are labeled by the month and year.
Card kits are $15.00 CAD each
$45.00 CAD for 3 months
$90.00 CAD for 6 months
$180.00 for 1 year